> IT (Information Technology)
Symcli, PowerMax, DellEMC, Storage, Symmatrix 명령어
2023. 8. 11. 13:40
- Storage List 확인
$) symcfg list - Storage group 목록 확인
$) symaccess -sid XXXX -type storage list - Storage view 목록 확인
$) symaccess -sid XXXX -type view list - Hostname 별 할당된 Disk 정보 확인
$) symaccess -sid XXXX show view <hostname>
$) symaccess -sid XXXX show <hostname> -type view - Storage 내 모든 hostname 할당된 Disk 정보 확인
$) symaccess -sid XXXX list view -detail - Devices 사용여부 확인
$) symaccess -sid XXXX list assignment -dev XXXX (ex) 0001
$) symaccess -sid XXXX list assignment -dev XXXX:XXXX (ex) 0001:0010
$) symaccess -sid XXXX list -noport dev XXXX - Thin Pool 이름 확인
$) symcfg list -sid XXXX -pool -thin -mb -detail - Thin Pool 내용확인
$) symcfg how -sid XXXX -pool <Pool_name> -thin -detail -all -mb - Device Group 리스트 확인
$) symdg -sid XXXX list - Device Group query
$) BCV 확인 : $ symmir -g <DG_name> query
$) RDF 확인 : $ symrdf -g <DG_name> query - 모든 FA Channel 정보 확인 (FA port speed, WWN info경우 -v option 사용)
$) symcfg -sid XXXX list -ALL (-v) - 모든 RDF Channel 정보 확인 (RDF port speed, WWN info경우 -v option 사용)
$) symcfg -sid XXXX list -RA ALL (-v) - Health check Command
$) symcfg list -env_data
$) symdev list -service_state degraded
$) symdisk list -failed
$) symcfg list -env_data -service_state failed - Sym lock 또는 행걸렸을때
$) symcfg -sid xxxx -lockn list all
$) symcfg -sid xxxx 15 release -force
Solution Enabler Symcli Commands
A list of useful SYMCLI Commands to manage Dell EMC VMax, VMax3 and PowerMax storage arrays.
symaccess commands
The symaccess command performs Auto-provisioning Group operations on storage, initiator, and port groups. It will also be used to create and manage masking views.79 Commands -
symacl commands
The symacl command can be used to set up or updates Symmetrix access control information in Symmetrix array.21 Commands -
symapierr commands
The symapierr command translate a SYMAPI error code to a meaningful text. This command also provides the respective error message for the error code.1 Command -
symaudit commands
The symaudit commands can be used to extract the records from the Symmetric Audit Log file. We can find out which users or applications started a particular action at a specified time frame, that caused a specific behaviour in the array.18 Commands -
symauth commands
The symauth command is used to sets up or updates Symmetrix user authorization information.27 Commands -
symbcv commands
The symbcv command performs various operations like Associate, Disassociate and List one or more BCV devices.3 Commands -
symcfg commands
The symcfg commands discovers or displays Symmetrix configuration information.55 Commands -
symcli commands
The symcli command provides a brief explanation of the commands included in the Symmetrix Command Line Interface.3 Commands -
symclone commands
The symclone command performs various control operations on Device Group, Composite Groups and devices in these groups or the device in a pair file.11 Commands -
symconfigure commands
The symconfigure command can be used to perform control operations or configuration changes on Symmetrix arrays, and the array devices, groups, directors, and ports.85 Commands -
symdev commands
The symdev command displays information about all or selected Symmetrix devices. It can also be used to perform control operations such as create, delete and write disable devices.71 Commands -
symdg commands
The symdg command performs various operations on Symmetrix Device Group like creation, deletion and importing.15 Commands -
symdisk commands
The symdisk command displays configuration and status of disks and their hypers within Symmetrix arrays.12 Commands - symevent commands
- symevent -sid 1234 list
- List all the events happened such as informational, warnings,errors and fatal on array 1234.
- symevent -sid 1234 list -dir
- List all the events on symmetrix array 1234 grouped by the reporting directors
- symevent -sid 1234 list -error
- List all the events in symmetrix array with a severity of error or greater. This will display all error and fatal events. For eg. power supply fault is an error event.
- symevent -sid 1234 list -fatal
- List all the fatal events in symmetrix array 1234. For eg. an event for a director failure is fatal.
- symevent -sid 1234 list -fatal -start 05/26/2016
- List all the fatal events in symmetrix array 1234 on 26th may 2016.
- symevent -sid 1234 list -start 05/26/2016:22:00:00 -end 05/26/2016:23:00:00
- List all the events starting from 22:00 to 23:00 on 26th may 2016.
- symevent -sid 1234 list -v
- List all the events happened such as informational, warnings,errors and fatal on array 1234. "-v" option display this as a verbose style.
- symevent -sid 1234 list -warn
- List all the events in symmetrix array with a severity of Warning or greater. This will display all warning,error and fatal events.
- symevent -sid 1234 monitor
- Display the realtime events happening in array 1234.
- symevent -sid 1234 monitor -i 2 -c 10
- Display the realtime events happening on array 1234 in an interval of 2 seconds for 10 times.
- The symevent command track and monitoring the events on symmetrix arrays.
symfast commands
The symfast command performs FAST operations on tiers, storage groups, policies and FAST controller.22 Commands -
symgate commands
The symgate command performs operations on a local gatekeeper device like defining a host device as a gatekeeper device, listing the gatekeeper devices etc..2 Commands -
syminq commands
The syminq command can issue SCSI INQUIRY commands to disks and also fetches HBA information on the local host.5 Commands -
symmir commands
The symmir command performs Symmetrix BCV control operations on a device group, composite group, devices within the group, or on devices within a file. The operations are like associate, disassociate, establish etc..6 Commands -
symqos commands
The symqos command can be used to view or change the copy priorities on a range of devices or on the members of a device group.8 Commands -
symrdf commands
The symrdf command performs various SRDF operations on symmetrix devices. It also performs control operations such as Adding, modifying or removing a dynamic RDF group.34 Commands -
symsan commands
The symsan commands can be used to confirm the SRDF Zoning and array to array zoning, masking (for OR Migration).4 Commands -
symsg commands
The symsg command can be used to create, list, show, export and copy Storage Groups (SG) in a Symmetrix array.43 Commands -
symsnapvx commands
The symsnapvx command performs TimeFinder/SnapVX control, list and verify operations on a device list, a list of ranges, a device group (DG), composite group (CG), or storage group (SG).17 Commands -
symstat commands
The symstat command display the statistics about Symmetrix arrays, directors, disks, device groups and devices.1 Command -
symtier commands
The symtier command is used to create and manage storage tiers which can be used with FAST Policies.13 Commands